Hi Everyone! My name is Dora and I’m here to share information about what has changed my life for the better!

I started this page on a bit of a whim, after realizing how impactful the knowledge I had acquired through my studies has been for the quality of my life, and the lives of those around me.

After my completion of a Bachelor in Science studying Kinesiology at the University of Waterloo followed by working in the field with numerous patients as a personal trainer, then later also as a Nutritionist, I have developed a sound understanding of the workings of our human body alongside the means for its optimization.

Our bodies are like a machine of sorts, and understanding your machinery will lead you to live a more conscious life, allowing for its optimization and ultimately your longevity! That really is my goal with anything I post here… To aid anyone reading in understanding their body and optimizing your health.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or comments, or to inquire about coaching!

xo Dora